Dr. Veselin Schumantov, DDS, will be our speaker. He is a holistic dentist who has trained in Germany. Don't conclude that you have no interest in dentistry until you hear about my latest conversation with him.
As I have said previously, my daughter and my dog have led me to the most important health discoveries I have made in the last 10 years. This time, as it relates to dentistry, it was my daughter. She has been told by three different dentists (no stone unturned when it comes to the health of my daughter, thus multiple opinions from different practitioners) that she needs to have all four of her wisdom teeth pulled. I didn't dispute this. I myself had two of my wisdom teeth pulled when I was her age. I remember the surgery as being rather nasty. In fact, the last dentist my daughter saw told her explicitly to have all four taken out at once because if she only had the first two taken out, she wouldn't have the last two (inferring the nastiness of the procedure).
But, the thing about second opinions is that you always get the same opinion if you go to the same kind of practitioner. So I decided to ask a holistic dentist for my fourth opinion. And this is where our speaker for tomorrow night comes into the picture: Veselin Schumantov. He was very clear that unless there is a compelling reason to pull them, they should stay in. He mentioned gum irritation as a potential problem when the teeth start erupting. But my daughter already has two erupted, and she's had no gum issues. He explained that the impacted ones would probably stay impacted for the rest of her life, with no problem (as have my remaining two).
Then he said something that really intrigued me. He said that soon dentists (and everyone else) will understand that when you pull wisdom teeth, you destroy stem cells. And THAT is a very good reason for NOT pulling them. We need to know more about this. STEM CELLS in TEETH?
If you are in NY, please come to Dr. Schumantov's lecture tomorrow night (free of charge, as are all of La Casa's seminars). If you are not in NY (or can't come), you are invited to listen and watch on our new YouTube Channel.
Already uploaded to our YouTube Channel is last week's speaker, Ilora Rafque's riveting lecture. She spoke of her bout with breast cancer, and her subsequent stay in the hospital (which almost killed her). Had she not been an MD, Ilora believes that she wouldn't be here today. As I said, riveting. Take a listen and look.
Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D,
from La Casa Day Spa
41 E 20th St
NY NY 10003
212-673-2272 (CASA)
Upcoming Lectures in La Casa Day Spa's Tuesday Night Seminar Series
April 22: Patricia Bowden-Luccardi, LMT, CNMT, CTT is going to speak on "Thermographic Imaging" as a safe, radiation-free method of screening for breast health, thyroid abnormalities, lymphatic congestion, nervous system disorders, abdominal inflammation, vascular system analysis, and neuromuscular disorders. With the recent mainstream medical opinion finally talking about the adverse health consequences of mammography, this non-invasive method of detecting cancer and other pathogenic conditions is more important than ever. A recent medical study found 97% accuracy (correlated with biopsies) with thermographic interpretations of breast cancer.
This lecture is co-sponsored with the Foundation for Advancement of Cancer Therapies, a not-for-profit organization founded by Ruth Sackman, and now headed by Consuelo Reyes. Its purpose is to disseminate information about non-toxic and biological treatments of cancer, and other diseases. FACT was instrumental in saving my mother's life from terminal bone cancer, as well as thousands of others.
April 29: Cher Carden has been a certified colon therapist at La Casa since our beginning 20 years ago. (We are proud to be the oldest day spa in NYC.) She is going to speak on "Whole Body Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management." La Casa has developed 8 different kinds of colonics, each unique and powerful in creating different kinds of cleansings. We know that there can be no health without a healthy bowel.
May 6: Stephen and Howie Halpern are, respectively, a nutritionist and an herbalist who are affiliated with La Casa. They are going to speak on "The Life-Saving Value of Supplementation," and are going to introduce the newest, latest discoveries. For instance, they have been using MitoQ, which scientific research shows to be 800 times more effective in anti-oxidant power than any other CoQ10 Enzyme on the market. Howie is going to talk about his recovery, through the use of supplements, from three years of lying in bed, essentially comatose and amnesiac after having open-heart surgery.