So, I decided to explore more in depth exactly what the situation was with Steve’s cancer. It is true that Steve Jobs tried alternative cancer treatments. Of course, alternative therapies don’t cure all cancers. But as a believer in non-toxic, biological treatments, I always hope that they will work—for those I love, those I meet causally, and those I never meet but who deserve to live a natural life-span. And I certainly see alternative therapies as a first line of defense, not only for cancer, but for all diseases, conditions and afflictions, before the body is weakened by drugs, surgery, chemo, or radiation.
But before I go into Steve Jobs’ illness, and the choices he made in treating his cancer, I would like to relay a little known piece of information—and that is—his last words upon his deathbed. According to his sister, who was there at the moment of his death, his last words were:
“Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.”
Yes, repeated three times. We can’t know what Steve was seeing, or experiencing, but surely it was resplendent in some way that induced awe in him. I find that Steve Jobs was as inspiring at the moment of his death as he was throughout his life.
And, now on to the messy situation of his pancreatic cancer. First, to clear up misconceptions. Steve had been battling pancreatic cancer for two decades. Without chemo or radiation, Steve lived 20 years. Patrick Swayze, who also had pancreatic cancer, chose traditional medical treatments, and lived 18 months. Of course, different cancers have different life expectancies, but under any count, 20 years is a long time to live with a cancer of a major organ.
Two years before Steve’s death, he had a liver transplant. It seems that after the cancer had metastasized to his liver, he then made the decision to go with more conventional medical therapies. Many alternative champions have hypothesized that the immune suppressant drugs that Steve was then required to take shortened his life. Anybody with cancer has an already compromised immune system, and taking immune-suppressant drugs which are deliberate attempts to further suppress the normal workings of the immune system has to put a severe challenge on the body.
But there are other facts about Steve’s decisions that are less well-known. And for this information. I have turned to my colleague, Burton Goldberg, M.D., and his musings on Steve’s life and death.
Goldberg did yet another tour de force with his later landmark, 1100 page publication, An Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer, in which 37 top alternative medicine physicians explain their proven, safe, non-toxic, and successful treatments for reversing cancer today. And most recently, he has produced four documentary films on the subjects of Curing Cancer, Ethical Stem Cells, Curing Depression, and Overcoming Addiction. I have watched all of them, and they are enlightening and educative. Must-sees.
One of my favorite quotes from Burton is: “The real history of cancer treatment in the U.S. should read like the indictment summary in a health crimes against humanity tribunal.“
Burton found out more about Steve Jobs’ health decisions than was reported in the media from reading the long tome on Steve, his biography, by Walter Issacson. Burton published his findings in the form of a letter to Steve’s son, Reed Powell. He has given me permission to repeat them in my Musings (which he is a subscriber to). Here are Burton’s thoughts:
Burton continues:
I read with sorrow of the way your father wasted away in the months before his passing. This is an all-too-common occurrence with stage 4 cancer, known as cachexia. Your father could have been spared this had he and his doctors known about hydrazine sulfate, an inexpensive substance that has been scientifically proven to prevent and reverse cachexia in cancer patients. However, thanks to the self-serving cancer establishment, this substance is neither widely known nor available in this country. In fact, this same self-serving cancer establishment did everything it could to ensure that clinical trials intended to test its merits would fail before they even began by ignoring the very strict protocols for its use that have been established by the man who discovered the anti-cancer properties of hydrazine sulfate, Dr. Joseph Gold. The fact that the self-serving cancer establishment succeeded in doing this is a crime against humanity, but nothing has been done about it, to the detriment of everyone who has, or who will in the future, develop cancer.
Your father’s biography also shares that he spent $100,000 have both his normal DNA and tumor genes sequenced. I’ve no doubt that in the near future, this will become a standard procedure and be made available to the public at much less cost due to ongoing developments and innovations in medical research and technology. However, for a fraction of the cost your father spent on this, people today can make use of the understanding scientists have already gained from the Human Genome Project to know if they are moving into a precancerous condition or already have cancer much earlier than conventional diagnostic tools can now determine. This can be done via a blood test known as BioFocus, which I continue to use to ensure that, at 85 years of age, I remain cancer-free.
The benefit of the BioFocus test is of vital importance because it allows physicians to screen for circulating cancer cells that can lead to metastasis and otherwise escape detection until it is too late. It also enables oncologists to tailor-match chemotherapy drugs that most closely match each patient’s genetic makeup and to treat both primary tumors and the circulating cancer cells. Conventional oncologists often fail to do the latter, focusing only on primary tumors. Even when such tumors are successfully removed or killed, so long as circulating cancer cells remain floating in patients’ bloodstreams, the danger of recurrence and metastasis remains high. Failing to detect circulating cancer cells in time is one of the main reasons cancer does so often recur, usually more aggressively than when it first appeared. The BioFocus test goes a long way to reversing this dangerous trend.
Despite the proven benefits the BioFocus test offers cancer patients, only a handful of doctors in the US are aware of it, and fewer still provide it, and to get it, patients have to use the services of a company in Germany. Yet the BioFocus test was offered to the National cancer Institute years ago for free. At the time, the NCI indicated a willingness to examine it, yet so far they have not done so. This too needs to change.
Nor is the BioFocus test the only nonconventional test physicians should be using. It takes many years for cancer cells to grow into a detectable tumor. Yet tests exists that can help doctors determine if their patients are in a pre-cancerous state years before tumors appear. Such early detection would dramatically reduce the incidence of cancer by allowing doctors to guide their patients back to a non-pre-cancerous state - something that is relatively easy to do without the need for expensive drugs or other medical interventions.
One such test that helps doctors accomplish such early screening is the Cancer Profile Test, developed by Dr. Emil Schandl and available from his company, American Metabolic Laboratories in Hollywood, Florida. Given its importance, I feel it should be part of a yearly annual physical.
Another test I highly recommend, one that has been approved by the FDA, is the Ex Vivo Analysis—Programmed Cell Death (EVA-PCD), developed by Dr. Robert Nagourney, an oncologist in Long Beach, California. This drugs tests biopsy specimens to determine tumor sensitivity to various cancer drugs and drug combinations, as well as various molecularly targeted agents and potentially viable alternative cancer agents. Using this test allows doctors to most effectively match their cancer treatments to each patient’s unique individual needs, rather than depending on percentages based on impersonal trials. By doing this, chemotherapy’s effectiveness can dramatically be increased, while the serious side effects that chemotherapy can otherwise cause can significantly be reduced, thereby improving patient outcomes. The EVA-PCD test has been used effectively to determine the proper course of treatment for a variety of cancers, including pancreatic cancer, yet despite FDA approval and the fact that Dr. Nagourney is a mainstream oncologist, it continues to be ignored by the conventional medical profession. This is shameful.