La Casa has always been sensitive to the importance of alkalinity in health. We give all our clients alkalized water to drink. We use alkalized water for our treatments, including a colonic using an alkaline implant. Daryl’s new product is the best product on the market for alkalizing your body. And it’s got the cutest name. Check out his website:
Come hear Daryl speak Saturday night about his product, and be the first in line to buy it, hot off the presses. (Parenthetically, Dr. Oz has included a jar in each of his Christmas gift packages.) I have been taking GetOffYourAcid for a month--love the taste, love the feeling it gives me: instant energy. Even my daughter adores it (and she is VERY picky).
More updates:
Since I have your ear (or eyes), I thought I would take the opportunity to say a few things, as further updates on various topics I have covered in the past (in addition to the most recent Musings that went out earlier this week, which was an update on almonds).
I am always pleased when I write something that people find useful. And I am particularly pleased when I seem to be at the forefront of science and natural health developments. So I was very happy when I saw the New York Times covering fecal transplants, and their value.
Long-time Musings readers will remember that I covered this topic in May 2013. But we know it’s really hit Broadway when the Times covers the story. The article refers to a study wherein 19 of 20 patients with C. difficile infections were cured of diarrhea and related symptoms. Most saw improvements after one two-day round of pills, the rest after two or three rounds. A different study showed that transplants are nearly twice as effective as antibiotics for recurring C. difficile.
Another update is about PSA, which I also covered in the past, showing the test has an 80% FALSE POSITIVE RATE. Even the antigen’s discoverer has disclaimed the test as being accurate for cancer detection. Yet, for two decades, most physicians and virtually all urologists still push for PSA testing and multiple biopsies.
About Water:
I often tell people that I have organized my life around water. I grew up on Lake Pontchartrain (in New Orleans), and my family had a boat that we went on every Sunday.
My mother and sister were both swimming champions. We were all swimming teachers. As soon as I was able to afford it, after I moved to New York, I bought a house on a lake (northern New Jersey, home to more than 100 lakes). Then I decided I needed a place to swim in a natural body of water when it’s cold in NY/NJ.
I bought my farm in Puerto Rico, and opened the first La Casa: La Casa Resort Spa. I have been happily swimming in the ocean in winter for 30 years now. When I opened La Casa Day Spa, 21 years ago, I wanted to replicate the ocean environment, and thus, came the floatation chamber.
Wallace Nichols' amazing new book, Blue Mind: Your Brain on Ocean--brought to my attention by Conseulo Reyes, director of Rethinking Cancer--explains my fascination, urge, craving, even need to be around water, next to water, and in water.
Nichols examines seas and oceans, lakes and rivers, even swimming pools, as well as the contents of our bathtubs. He is a marine biologist whose passion for our planet's water goes far beyond a mere academic interest.
He tells us the interesting anecdote that Michael J. Fox made the career-changing decision to leave the hit show "Spin City" (and go on to launch the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research) after a surprise swim with a sea turtle. Nichols tells us of the necessity to get closer to water, not only for the sake of our individual health, but for the environment and a healthier future for all mankind, the earth, and all its species.