Until then, Lilly had been on the healthiest canned dog food program available. But, obviously it wasn't good enough to maintain her health. After doing some research on dog foods, now I know why. Raw is definitely better than cooked, as it is the way canines in the wild eat. But it is ore than that: it is also because there simply is almost no commercial dog food that is good enough to sustain the lives of our precious animals.
Ethoxyquin is one of many common ingredients in dog food that is seriously toxic for our pets. It is often listed as simply "E" on pet food labels. Some dog food makers fail to list ethoxyquin on their labels but when pressured to disclose the facts, will admit it's use.
Ethoxyquin Is manufactured by Monsanto, and employees handling the substance are required to wear eye and respiratory protection. Containers are marked with skull and crossbones and prominently display the word, POISON. Etnoxyquin Is listed and Identified as a hazardous chemical by OSHA. It has a rating of 3 in the Chemical Toxicology of Commercial Products listings (on a scale of 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest level of toxicity requiring less than 7 drops to cause death).
The Department of Agriculture lists ethoxyquin as a pesticide. It Is also used a rubber preservative. Based on body weight, the FDA allows ethoxyquin to be used in pet foods at a rate of 300 times higher than permitted as residue in beef and pork consumed by humans.
Monsanto issues a disclaimer regarding use of ethoxyquin, stating that, 'Although, the Company makes no representations as to the completeness of accuracy thereof... (users must) make their own determination as to it suitability.. Monsanto will not be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever..."
Both BHA and BHT are also commonly used in pet foods. They are known to cause liver and kidney dysfunction and are banned in some European countries. Based on animal studies, the National Toxicology Program has concluded that BHA "is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen."
Propylene glycol, another common pet food Ingredient (closely related to anti-freeze), causes the destruction of red blood cells.
Who is using what?
ALPO beef : BHA
American Nutrition -- Atta Cat Cuisine dinner : BHA
Blue Mountain - Special Menu : BHA
Friskies - Fancy Feast: Savory Salmon; Turkey and Giblets : BHA
Friskies - Senior : Ethoyxquin
Friskies - Poultry Platter, Ocean fish, : BHA
Chefs Blend Gourmet Kitten formula : BHA
Heinz - 9 Lives; Real Liver & Chicken; Real Tuna and Eggs : BHA
Hills Science Diet
Feline Maintenance Light; Feline Growth, Propylgallate
Feline Maintenance : BHA & Ethoxyquin
IAMS - Less Active for Cats; Normally Active for Cats; Kitten Formula : BHA & Ethoxyquin
Kasco - Cat Food: Propylgallate
Nutro-Max Cat; Adult; Kitten, Lite : Ethoyxquin
Ralston Purina - Alley Cat; Cat chow Original : BHA
Kitten Chow, Kit'N Kaboodle; Meow Mix; Deli Cat : BHA
One Cat formula; Cat Chow Special C&E; Cat Chow Mature : Ethoyxquin
Rockford Farms - Main Dish Brand - Moist Meals, Gourmet Feast; Beef; Tuna : BHA
Royal Canin - Wayne's Kit Kat Glow : BHA
Whiskas - Original; Poultry; Seafood; Expert : BHA
Also, most pet foods have a load of GMO foods added.
Soy, corn, alfalfa & canola are likely GMO, and highly toxic.
Monsanto has known all along that GMO's are unsafe. There are now over 100 scientific studies indicating the health risks of GMO's!
Many US brands produce non-GMO versions of their foods for other countries. These other countries have reached a tipping point! More than 5% of their consumers stopped buying the brands that contained GMO ingredients, which then forced those companies to provide a product that the consumers would buy. For the US, it's been 1991 ~ 2014 .... 23 years and we still have not gotten labeling, much less a ban! In 2013, India became the 64th country to require labeling of GMO's!